We provide digital content solutions – CG solutions – for manufacturers

Product still images by CG

Conventional product photographs are generally created by taking mockup samples and prototypes. With 3DCG, you don’t have to wait for the prototype to be completed. In recent years, the development process has diversified, such as shortening the development period, designing overseas, and designing mocklessly, i.e., without creating a mock. As a result, it is difficult to take pictures, schedules are delayed, and man-hours are increased. We solved these issues by creating them in 3DCG.

Reproduce the same realism as shooting

Many people think that 3DCG is a fake reality. We would like such people to compare the photos with 3DCG. Through a lot of experience and achievements, we have pursued more authenticity than photography. Based on the CAD data at the time of product design, we provide product images for various sales promotion tools such as catalogs, packages, and the Web with the same quality as shooting.

Immediate support for color variation development

There is no need to panic when developing product color variations. If it’s a photo shoot, take it again from the beginning. It takes time and money. With 3DCG, even if the number of color variations increases, it can be flexibly handled.

You can freely make any angle of images

3DCG can be made at any angle. We provide images that can be used for various purposes, such as cross-sectional views necessary for explaining the inside of the product, images/cuts necessary for explaining features and appeal points, and illustration-style cuts that do not require photo quality.

Movie is available here.

We will solve the problems with our skills and knowledge.

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